We'll start with Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for the Nintendo 3DS that got released just last Friday on November 22, 2013. This game takes place in the same Hyrule as the old classic Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. All of you older gamers will get those waves of nostalgia as you travel through the same grounds as you once did in A Link to the Past. In fact, the game is played in the classic Zelda Top Down view!
The gameplay includes some new features such as the ability to become a drawing on a wall! Bringing 2D Zelda in a 3D world... ironic huh? But doing so allows you to go to a whole new world call Lorule where you have to save that world along with Hyrule. Man, our hero Link has a lot of work to do for such a young man.
The game is also being known for your ability to borrow and swap all available tools right from the start, thus making it much more up to the player in the order they will unlock the dungeons. The reviewers are loving it all around! (Metacritic, Kotaku, Destructoid, and IGN)
Here's Link with his drawn version!
Our iconic Princess Zelda at the right and the princess of Lorule at the left!
To finish off are some more images of the game, and a video walk through from Youtube! Will you be purchasing this game for the holiday season?
The Let's Play :D
Below, I believe, is the storytelling version of the game. Don't take my word on it though. Experience the game and you'll find out for yourself!
Now for Super Mario 3D World. This game was released alongside the Zelda game on November 22 2013 for the Nintendo Wii U. This game is along the lines of the Super Mario 3D Land that came out for the Nintendo 3DS about two years earlier (and it was such a hit!). Nintendo is placing a lot of hopes on this one, they believe that it will help push the Wii U sales that have been sadly suffering the past year since its launch. This game is classic Mario in 3D and if you have played the 3D Land version for the 3Ds, you won't have much surprises. The biggest thing about the game, is that Mario is now in HD! Yes, his overalls and his mustache are all in High Definition for you to play with!
Other things have been added as well. As you can see in the image to the left is the adding of the cat power in the game. Its quite a handy power as it lets you climb up walls and scratch your enemies into oblivion. Other things added would be little houses that you can grab powers and lives in the game as well as the cloning double cherries. Unlike the 3DS version, you'll also be able to travel outside the levels in a beautifully designed world and go from place to place examining new secret entries and watching the trees and bushes shake and dance to the happy Mario tune!
Now for the reviews! This game is a hit with the critics! (Metacritic, IGN, Kotaku, Joystiq) Some are claiming it to be the reason you should be owning a Wii U. Very similar to what has been said about its 3DS predecessor Super Mario 3D Land. Rather see the evidence than read about it? I'll show you the Let's play below from Youtube!
Level Cleared! loll
A special level where you ride a dinosaur that swims in a racing game like stage!
Now for the final Nintendo game that was released! Its Mario Party Island Tour for the 3DS!
To be honest with you guys, I'm not too familiar with the Mario Party games. I do know that they are immensely popular and very fun to play with friends and family alike!
If you guys are a fan of the Mario Party series, feel free to check it out! I believe it isn't the most celebrated version, but it probably promises as much Nintendo fun as Mario Party tends to offer! For more information check out this Let's Play below and .... get ready to party?
Okay, finally onto Microsoft! Their heavy hitting Next Gen Console the Xbox One is finally here for all of you Microsoft fans! The price is around $100 more expensive than the PS4 but is said to include the Kinect device and a few other things that the PS4 does not seem to have! Here is the unboxing for you to see and debate if you want it!
This console has been selling faster than a person can sneeze and sad to say. Gamestop already declared this console as sold out (along with the PS4). Over 1M already sold! Wow...But if you fans want it when it restocks, the pricing will be $499.
With both the PS4 and the Xbox One out, it'll be a slew of new games that will be coming with better graphics and hopefully more inspired gameplay! Will you be picking up the already existing Wii U from Nintendo with their list of games that are coming this holiday season, or will you stake out and wait till the restocking of the PS4 or Xbox One. This is a very exciting time for gamers as the next generation of gaming is about to take off!
Always Guree