Dear Mom,
I talked with Nook the first thing today (I slept in haha, moving day was tiring). Okay, I lied, I actually went to the clothes store first cause they change their inventory everyday and got my other favorite clothes now, my hat. But it was along the way! Well when I got there, he told me that he could have the house built for me with an initial down payment of 10,000 bells! My heart almost gave out on me. I only had a few bells left and I was starting to panic about what to do! I told him I would do my best to pay him off and left, frankly, in a daze.
I found him and we got along. He said hi, I said hey, and I decided to go meet up with Isabelle again.
Once I met her again she gave me another lists of things I could do. For starters she asked me to write a letter to one of the residents. The people in this town are crazy about receiving letters and so I decided to write one to Bluebear. She was nice, and she's blue. I couldn't help it!
I hope she writes back! From there, Isabelle had me visit the beach and asked me to give her a shell as a sovenier! I did! The beach was beautiful. I also picked up all the shells that were good on the beach and sold them for a tidy sum. I owe Tom Nook a ton of money after all! After the shells she handed me a basket of Apples (her town's native fruit ! I'm so happy! I freaking love apples!) and told me I could plant them and they would grow here in Love. She told me I could purchase a shovel from Nookling Junction and to talk to her after I had purchased one. So I purchased one. Btw, Timmy has a twin named Tommy!
I'm being green Mom! |
After learning how to plant the trees and then running around planting trees, Isabelle told me to choose between fishing and bug catching! I said fishing because bugs terrify me. They always have Mom and I don't think I'll ever grow out of it! So she told me to run to Nooking and get a rod, and to catch three different kinds of fish! Well Nookling only had a net (I should have picked the other option!) and so when I told Isabelle that, she said she would gladly sell me the extra at Town Hall to me for 500 bells! That's what I did! And I went fishing!
The new found sea butterfly I caught, I decided to keep because she glows! She will be my new life-long pet! I have decided to call her Belle! I also caught a Sea Bass and a Horse Mackerel. That makes my species number 3! When talking to Isabelle, she told me that the information for the animals are recorded in this automatic encyclopedia every time I catch a fish or bug. Weirdly cool, right? Because I now know how to fish, and can technically can now feed myself ("Give a man a fish and he'll eat once. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life!!"), Isabelle decided I was ready to be left alone to my own devices. She gave me a watering can to thank me and welcoming me for coming and wished me luck with my new job as Mayor!
With that done, I decided to go back to the other beach and clean that one of shells too! On the way, I ended up meeting Bluebear! She's such a sweetie! She told me that if there are star shaped cracks on the ground, there are likely to be goodies hidden in them. All I had to do was dig it up with a shovel. So I ran around madly with shovel in hand and dug every crack I could see! For my efforts, I found 3 fossils! Of course I decided to go straight to the Museum and see if they would buy it off of me!
I also met Ankah again! She asked me if I could help her decide if this shirt she bought looked good on her. I told her honestly that Orange was not her and that she looked great in her mummy outfit. Well she went on and on about how she normally is very good with picking out great clothes and then got the idea that the orange shirt would look good on me! I don't think Ankha likes me very much. I tried it on later at home by myself.. I didn't look too bad but orange isn't my thing either. Oh and I found out it wasn't a snake on her head but a scorpion... not a vast improvement I think.
Everday |
What Ankha Gave me |
Feeling upset, I went to the museum and there, Blathers told me he would not only examine the fossils but would love it if I could give him some of my new caught fishy friends! He was telling me that there was nothing in exhibit and he would greatly appreciate it. Of course what was I supposed to do but be a good Mayor and give it to him! He gratefully took all my fishes and my fossils and I was only left with Belle. I refuse to give up Belle! He also gave back a repeat fossil. 2 of the 3 fossils I had were the same! Time to see how much its worth.
I decide to tour the empty museum and check out my donations! It was freaking awesome! The animal was huge! I have no idea how that fit into my pocket! The fishes were adorable swimming in the tanks and the bug exhibit was a fresh green with tons of flowers. I have to say the aquarium was my favorite! It had a blue after glow on everything around me and I had so much fun looking at the fishes swimming around in the tank. Well there were only two of them.. but still!
The fishes looked really happy swimming in their beautiful tanks. I'm pretty sure they're in good hands. If it was me, I would have sold them to Re-Tail and they would have gotten eaten. All other Mackerels and Sea Basses have no luck. At Re-Tail I found that the fossil was worth quite a lot! I think it was around 6000 bells! The fossil and the shells gave me enough money to pay off the down payment!!! Yes Mom, I paid off the down payment just like that! In one go! Of course there wasn't a moment to lose! I rushed to Nooks to pay it off. (I also met Derwin in the store while I was browsing and we did shop talk :D)
I was free! I can't wait for the new house to be done!! I can't WAITTTT!!!! No more Tent!
After wards I wasn't sure what to do so I decided to make some more bells. My wallet felt depressingly empty so I decided I would do the extremely stupid and shake trees! Before I got started, I got a little distracted and made another snowboy! He turned out really well! He's standing next to the first one who had slightly melted. I'll call Snowboy #2 Donald
I got a few bells, a set of djimbe drums that fell out of tree and more bees! Nope! They didn't catch me this time. I took refuge in the Town Hall building!!! I'm sorry I couldn't catch a picture of the bees. The bees here in Love are something! I'll try another time! (Plus, I got 500 Bells from the beehive in my pocket!)
Me stuffing the drums in my Infinite Pocket |
Guess what Mom? The rocks here have money and precious metals! I kid you not! After selling my loot at Re-Tail, I decided to clean up a couple of rocks that were in the way with my shovel. Well only some of the rocks break. What happens is that either a bug pops out, money, nothing, or it shatters and precious metals drops to the ground! I found two bugs: a centipede and a pillbug. I hate bugs! I tried catching them for the Museum but I couldn't catch the centipede! It was red and huge! And scary! Maybe when I have more courage... haha.. Inside of the only rock that broke, there was a Silver Ore inside! Get this! It's worth around 3000 Bells I decided to give it a shot and sell it for more at Re-Tail's sell it yourself shop. It's up there with the huge price tag. I hope someone buys it! As for money, I got a good 5000 bells before I slipped. Then the rock stopped producing more...
Your Daughter,
How Love looks like at night! Yes, I see this straight from my Window! Jealous Mom? |
The Museum + Lights. My name is on the donor list!!! |
Light starting to form. At the middle of the town. |
Lights near the beach. They're full out now. So beautiful! |
P.S. The cherries here are delicious! I'm sending some to you guys too in a basket later :D Look forward to them! I also got my official ID! I took a picture in that run down photo booth that wasn't working the first day. Here it is!
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