Knox also gave me a present after visiting. It was another wallpaper, a Kiddie one. I also got another mail with your letter. It was from the Happy Home Academy that judges your room and tells you how many points it is! Oh don't worry! They wouldn't steal anything. Tom Nook is part of the thing and even though he looks like a rat, he isn't. He's a raccoon! I hope the Academy gives me a good score. The manager in charge of judging and stuff is a guy named Lyle . Though he's a weasel, he's probably trustworthy right? I'm pretty sure he isn't the Lyle from when you went on your little adventure in that wild world. Plus, dad's a city folk and I got his conman sensor gene!
While visiting Nook, I also saw this blue mailbox which I HAD to get, and so I ended up buying it with the savings money! Don't worry Mom! I found a lot of bells by hitting rocks, plus a rare sapphire. I was able to put the money back in... er... I'll do it the first thing in the morning!
I was also able to finish getting 100% approval rating from the villagers of Love. Hopefully starting from tomorrow I can use my full license as Mayor and really start making this town get places! I think getting the ocean fish for Bluebear, retrieving a Cherry for Bud, and helping Ankha by trading Bud's present for the cherry (Bud will never know!) Mom, I know I'm Mayor, but it feels like I'm just the villagers errand boy. It's hard being in a position of power. I feel so used and abused. Hopefully the townspeople like me though. Power to the people!
I built another snowmam today to accompany Martha. I'm gonna call her Dorothy. Dorothy came out perfect unlike Martha and so she said that if I collect snowflakes for her, five of them, she would give me a nifty gift. I did, and she gave me an Ice Wallpaper. Olaf is in pretty bad shape and he's melting. But he said something that was really Olafy, like the Disney version. He really wants to see summer! It reminded me of the song that Olaf sings!
Lily seems to have settled into the town nicely. She seems to really like shopping too for I saw her at the shopping district earlier, and the Re-Tail later. Another person is also moving into the town. All I know is that he/she will be named Kidd, but you can see the territory that Tom Nook marked off for the new villager! I feel like the town is already growing so quickly!
I had to give up Belle to the Museum. It was a little sad, but she was getting incredibly sick and Blathers is a professional. I saw her swimming along happily in a much bigger tank. I'm glad she's okay. I'll remember to visit her often and try to give her some fish friends as I keep donating! Speaking of fish, I caught quite a strange load today. They all looked so bizarre.
I forgot to tell you what Ankha traded with me for Bud's present. She ended up giving me a blue letter jacket, and honestly I love it! Ankha is showing g to have really good taste! I'm glad I traded, cause honestly I had no idea what I was going to do with Bud's gift. In fact the outfit I was wearing today was also the one she gave me. I'll wear the jacket tomorrow. It's super warm and really sporty and stylish!
That's all for today. I hope you love getting these letters as much as I love writing them and that they're even more fun to read! Tell dad that I caught a football fish. The weird black one? He would love that. He always loved football and fishing. It's like the ultimate fish for him!!
Your Daughter,
P.S. Remember that tree I planted my first day as Mayor? It grew!!
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