Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Little Help for Nintendo!

Okay guys, so I was reading one of the sites I follow for my Nintendo news and I came across an article that riled me up, and then I read the comments and that only got my blood boiling. It made me so mad, that for the first time in the past year that I've been reading that blog, I posted a comment! The comment slowly turned into an essay and I really wanted it to be read, so I'm posting it on my blog. Yes I'm still in midterms, yes I'll regret this later as I stay up late studying for it, but it had to be said. I hope to something that Nintendo will read this themselves and stop shooting their own foot, liked I mention in my essay! 

Note: I edited it for the blog. I typed it in a rage, and so some spelling and grammar was off. I fine-tuned it a little more and added a sentence or two. 
Here is the link to the original article! Original Article
Down below is my comment, easily spotted by its length at the bottom of the totem pole:
In Answer to the Article: This is a very bad publicity move. Nintendo shouldn’t have their fans know that they do not care about them! It’s the fans that’s managing to keep their company a float. I hope Reggie is getting in trouble for this, because this is not a good move for any type of company. 
In Answer to all the Comments: Hardware doesn’t sell software. Case point- 3DS vs Vita. Vita is much more powerful, and personally I think its more well-crafted for a real gamer’s needs, but in the end, 3DS is doing better. Both had a rocky start, but 3DS has already recovered, Vita, not yet. Nintendo has one thing right, software sells hardware which was proven by the 3DS. Sales rose with games like Super Mario 3D Land, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi’s Mansion, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Wii U needs software desperately and Nintendo is trying their best to crank it out. 
What I think Nintendo is doing wrong are a couple of core things.
First their marketing teams sucks. They need to realize that kids have moved on to other devices such as the tablet and mobile gaming. It isn’t because they dislike the consoles, it’s just that the consoles are too expensive. But a tablet or a phone, their parents will already have, and the kids can play off of their parent’s devices. It’s about what’s readily available. I mean Tamagotachi was really popular, but it wasn’t the most cutting edge. It sold cause it was cheap. Consoles aren’t cheap, and so parents won’t buy their kid such an expensive toy. If Nintendo started focusing on games that adults would like, then they would buy the console for the game they want, and get another game (40-50 for a toy compared to 300-350~!) for their child to play. Everybody wins.
Nintendo has poor 3rd party developer. I don’t know how they would get 3rd party developers, since like some of you said, money makes things happen and with a system that has such a low install base, nothing is gonna move cause it isn’t going to make money. Nintendo really has to get their system out of the ditch, and honestly, these games geared to kids won’t do it because of my first reason mentioned above. They need something that’s unique to the Wii U. Of course adults will buy the PS and XBOX version of a popular game like Call of Duty or Assassins Creed, because they already have those consoles. Instead of spending big bucks for a new console and the same game they can just buy the game for a console they already have! Adults work the same way for themselves as for their kids, cheaper and less spending = better. No one has the money to be spending all that cash for a new console when in their eyes it’s the same thing just a different provider!  
I lied, there is a way for Nintendo to get 3rd party dev onto their Wii Wagon, and that's by increasing their install base. How? It'll have to be an ideal situation. Since Wii U came late to the race in HD, they have to make it up by creating a game that’s so spectacular and so specifically made for the Wii U (i,e. using the game pad) that all the people (the adult people mind, who actually make the money) would HAVE to buy it because it’s just that amazing! Honestly, I’m a Nintendo fan, but I don’t have a Wii U. I don’t have a need of one because they aren’t releasing anything someone my age and gamer type would like. There are tons of people out there who are like that. They don’t need 3rd party developers RIGHT NOW. Later, yes, but now? No. They need a game specifically for the Wii U because if it’s a game that comes for cross-platforms, the gamers will get it for their already owned platform. 
Honestly, I hope Monolith’s X is going to be amazing, and Bayonetta 2 has a large enough fan-base, because right now, Mario won’t move the console anymore. It’s not for everyone, and kids are too poor to buy it. If Nintendo won’t listen to fans’ petitioning because that isn’t where the money’s at, then where the hell are they looking? People have been demanding for a game that uses the gamepad and is amazing, but instead we get another Mario game that doesn’t really need the gamepad and a Donkey Kong game that doesn’t use it at all. Mario and Donkey Kong is fun, but its getting stale. People outgrow it. Look a the market, see where the money flows, follow that stream of gold and snatch the sea of wealth it goes too! 
Sorry, that was really long. i’m very frustrated with how Nintendo keeps shooting their own foot. Thank you for reading it if you did :D

 I really hope that Nintendo reads this. Please spread the word. Thanks for reading:

Always Guree

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